"Thanks! I'm going to have to get back on the ball here..."
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7 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   "Our hero will be really cool if he took the sushi crowd out for kimbap (It's Korean sushi and its in TREND right now) He might get some phone #'s for once. Always a funny morning read!"
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8 years ago

Commented on Obvious Secret Identity:
   "Hey Thanks Bill! Did you relate to the "Oregon Trail" character through a similar episode of dysentery?"
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8 years ago

Commented on Obvious Secret Identity:
   "Thanks a ton!"
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8 years ago

Commented on Obvious Secret Identity:
   "You're right. I did make the right choice then. But it's cringe worthy to think back on that's it sure 😕"
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8 years ago

Commented on Obvious Secret Identity:
   "Haha. Thanks for reading!"
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8 years ago

Commented on Obvious Secret Identity:
   "That we do....that we do...."
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8 years ago

Commented on Obvious Secret Identity:
   "I'm surprised to know that Richie didn't end up on the six o'clock news after quitting baseball! I'm happy to hear you are enjoying!"
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8 years ago

Commented on Obvious Secret Identity:
   "Feel free to laugh and cry at the same time!"
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8 years ago

Commented on So, You're Thirty!:
   "Seriously, this is funny. There is a nightmare in every workplace that thinks they do it all. Loving this guide!"
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8 years ago

Commented on Searching For Cereus:
   "I just read these poems back to back all the way through. Powerful way to do it. It plays out like an album from a heartbroken artist. The loss, the progression, the acceptance and the great wonder. What's beautiful about poetry is how it's straight emotion at that point in time when you put it to paper. I'd be curious to see what your next collection of poems might look like. Great job!"
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8 years ago

Commented on Obvious Secret Identity:
   "Thanks a ton! I know you're plotting to shake my hand with your left hand. I'm one step ahead of you, buddy."
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8 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   "I thoroughly enjoy your visits to the grocery store. After considering, I realize that your best bet at finding love is, as a matter of fact, at your grocery store. Tell her you'll cook for her. See if she likes your idea of a boxed dinner. Could be love. -That's my advice and I'm sticking to it"
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8 years ago

Commented on So, You're Thirty!:
   ""Surviving Your Daily Commute"...Absolutely true and funny...You need to look up "Japanese train station during rush hour"on youtube. I imagine this as you. Ha."
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8 years ago

Commented on Obvious Secret Identity:
   "Thanks for keeping up, I appreciate it! Mark my words, you'll be invited on a date for some tooth-fish next week. Enjoying your series as well👍🏻"
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8 years ago